

Mikheil Saakshvili met with the President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli today


The President of Georgia is holding bilateral meetings with various leaders while in Rome for the FAO International Conference. Deepening mutual relations and support of non-recognition policy were the main topics of discussion. The sides also discussed issues related to future cooperation.

The Head of State once again noted how important such meetings are with leaders of various UN countries. According to his statement only such dense relations and diplomacy could interfere with Russia’s occupation plans about gaining more support regarding the independence of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali regions. In this sense the Head of State calls for more activity from the side of the current Government and offers them deepening bilateral relations.

“You see how many countries we have friendly relations with. Friends have appeared on every continent, which know Georgia as a successful country. After such meetings with various leaders they take back information to their continents that Georgia is truly a best country and Russia will not be able to gain support in terms of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region’s independence around our friendly continents. Additionally, I personally made friends with these people and we have gained recognition and respect as a state. The most important thing is not to lose this respect. The most important thing is not to say that the benchmarks that I am talking about are a lie and they do not correspond with the truth. We must admit that we had successes and the following government must be more and more successful. This is a guarantee of our national security and independence. We need more contacts and more relationships. I have personal relationships with these people and I will introduce them to the new government with pleasure so that everyone has a sympathetic attitude towards Georgia, and our country advances and has support everywhere” noted Mikheil Saakshvili at the end of the meeting.

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