

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili held a farewell reception in the honor of John Tefft

Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the United States to Georgia John Tefft finished his diplomatic mission in Georgia. Mikheil Saakashvili held a farewell reception in the honor of this event. The President of Georgia stated that John Tefft became a cultural, political and social part of Georgian life and that he is not only a reliable friend of Georgia but a public figure as well. Mikheil Saakashvili awarded John Tefft with St George's order and after George Bush, John McCain and Joe Biden - John Tefft became the fourth to own this order. Diplomatic missions representatives of the countries attended this reception as well.

"I want to thank every Ambassador for attending this reception. Today is a sort of sorrowful day, because Georgia says good-bye to Mr. Tefft. I want to express deep gratitude for his activities during last several years in Georgia. Mr. Tefft became not only the trusted friend of our government, but a public figure as well, a part of social, cultural and political life of Georgia. His wife Mariella is a person who founded ballet friends organization and during this period she and Nino Ananiashvili created independent ballet school in Georgia. I would like to note all those positive achievements that took place during Mr. Tefft's work in Georgia", stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

John Tefft thantked the President of Georgia for the warm words said to him and his wife and recalled several episodes from the past.

"Its very hard for me to recall time when we were taken to visit Borjomi. We spoke a lot regarding Russia. On our way back we visited Gori and Stalin museum. There was a big photo of you and President Bush, where you were shaking hands. This billboard was looking down to Stalin monument. Then I thought it was a simple coincidence and I even said about it. I want to thank you for this order. During my mission here special connections between US and Georgia were established", noted John Tefft.

John Teft is returning to US on September 8. John Bass will replace him.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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