

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held a briefing

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held a briefing. Manana Manjgaladze stated that the President of Georgia expressed his deep sorrow on the tragic accident that caused the death and injuries of miners in Tkibuli mine.

"In this hard moment the President expresses his condolences to the families of the four miners - Mizon Oniani, Giorgi Bregadze, Murman Kublashvili and Jumber Jishiashvili, who died in the blast in the mine. He expressed his condolences to the miners and to the population of Tkibuli. By the decision of the President the government will assist the families of the victims" Manana Manjgaladze said.

According to her information the results of the accident will be carefully studied.

"For last several years Tkibuli mine has worked much more powerfully than in the Soviet period. Everything has been done to implement new technologies and re-equipment was permanently going on. We have to do our best to avoid such accidents in the future", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

The Spokesperson pointed out that the Prime Minister Nick Gilauri was given a task to visit Tkibuli. Together with the Prime Minister the members of the government are in Tkibuli, they will study the situation and will provide assistance to the families of victims.

"The President made decision to declare March 04, 2010 as the National Day of Sorrow", stated Manana Manjgaladze.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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