

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze held a briefing

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze held a briefing today and stressed her attention on several issues that were actual during these days and was interesting for the representatives of media.

The Spokesperson first of all spoke about the visit of the President of Georgia to US that is planned in the beginning of April. A Nuclear Security Summit is planned on April 12-13 in Washington D.C. The President of Georgia is leaving for WDC to participate in the summit, by the personal invitation of President Obama. Leaders of more than 30 countries will participate in the summit.

Several unofficial level meetings are planned during the summit, regarding the second part of the question whether Obama-Saakashvili meeting will be held. This meeting will possibly be held and this issue will become clear during the summit itself.

There was one more question regarding the removal of some restrictions on the Georgian products on Russian market. The Spokesperson explained that Russia might remove these restrictions because of Kazakhstan and Belarus and this way Georgian products will return to Russian market no matter whether Russia lifts the embargo or not.

"The government of Georgia used to say that embargo would never collapse Georgian economy. It should be said here that Georgia must not depend on one, specially politicized Russian market. According to the statistical data the amount of exported Georgian production by 2010, as the indicators of the last two months show - is 50% more compared to last year's data of the same period and it is the highest increase in these last several years. Georgia now exports its products to several new markets, the government works in several more directions and none of some concrete, especially politicized markets should become a dominant", Manana Manjgaladze noted. She added that Russia because of the obligations taken before other countries will become obliged to remove some restrictions (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus custom union is meant).

The Spokesperson at the same time noted that the Georgian side has not brought in any restrictions and has never set up any type of embargo. Finally Georgia got oriented on the new market and now we already have some clear results. This year tangerine was fully realized and this happened first. Grapes also were sold fully. Georgian wine was exported partially to new market. At the same time if scrap metal was Georgia's main exporting material before 2004, in the last few years Georgia produces and exports various industrial products.

The question was asked about the last initiative of the President as well. The President of Georgia declared Nowruz-Bairam as the national holiday during his visit in Marneuli.

"Georgia is rich in the tradition of various ethnic representatives co-existence. For centuries side by side there live people of absolutely different origin, tradition, religion and culture. Among them there are Azeri people, who became part of Georgia long ago and their culture and traditions are part of the Georgian culture. It is quite possible that like the Azerbaijani holiday, the holidays of other ethnic minorities will become national", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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