

The Spokesperson of the President of Georgia made a statement during a TV project “Special Report”

TV company "Imedi's" TV imitated project caused concern and alarm of the President of Georgia. The Spokesperson for the President Manana Manjgaladze made a statement during the discussion of the project. She said, she was tasked by the President to go to Imedi. Manana Manjgaladze pointed out that the plot was an imitation and that there is no real threat to Georgia.

"I am an ordinary citizen of Georgia and I was shocked by the very first shots of the program. I myself didn't hear any announcement about the facts imitated in the program. I was tasked to come here by the President of Georgia to tell you that if such a project is being prepared when such threats really exist, not only a short announcement but a permanent sign indicating the fact of imitation should necessarily follow the whole project.

I partially share the fact that we somehow are in such conditions that provocations are expectable. But according to the President's statement I can boldly say that despite the threat of provocations, the real threat that was shown in the project for 20-25 minutes running - but for me personally it lasted endlessly - today there is no such threat in Georgia. Maybe there are few such people in Georgia, who "boil" such ideas and scenarios in their minds, but in 2008 the unity of the Georgian people and the aspiration of those, who served in Georgian Armed Forces saved our country. The phrase that was heard from TV concerning the fact that part from Georgian Armed Forced went over to the enemy is painful for each soldier. I am also a journalist, for a very long time I was part of this TV company and I think that we have to get excused before those soldiers, who were and are ready to sacrifice their lives to defend the dignity of Georgia.

I understand the position of the journalists, I understand that it is possible to make such projects, but it mustn't impact the population of the country, no one must pour oil on the fire and cause alarm among the people. This is a very sensitive topic.

Of course you have freedom to do your job, but certain standards should absolutely be kept", the Spokesperson stated.

Later Manana Manjgaladze made a comment for the journalists who had gathered at "Imedi" TV company building.

"I haven't appeared here by chance. In the very first minutes after the program started the President of Georgia called me and tasked me to immediately go to "Imedi" and make a statement. The President of Georgia was very concerned and alarmed of what he saw on TV. The short announcement, made before the start of the program, that it is an imitation and not reality, doesn't justify the situation. First of all the attitude of the people and especially of those living in the conflict zones should be envisaged. I came here with the President's task to inform the Georgian society about the President's view.

At the same time I want to add that the journalists working in "Imedi" are my colleagues and I know that they have a good sense of responsibility. Most probably they wished to show that this is the worst scenario of what might happen. Though it doesn't justify them, because caution sign about the imitation should permanently follow the whole program like this".

Manana Manjgaladze expressed her hope that the TV company "Imedi" will themselves make comments in the nearest future.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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