

The President’s Evaluation of the Imitated Program Televised on March 13 by the Television Company “Imedi”

The President of Georgia believes that the TV program aired on March 13 by the television company "Imedi" has caused very understandable and acute emotions within the Georgian society and that elements contained in this program created aimless and worthless agitation. He also thinks that this very program - as presented in such plot and form - was meaningless and even harmful to our society.

In spite of the fact that the occupying forces are still at work developing various aggressive plans against Georgia, the condition of our state institutions, the level of consolidation within our society and the attitude of the international society all make the plans of these occupying forces impossible to realize.

The President believes that any TV channel is free to televise its own position -though be it provocative - but this must happen by adhering strictly to the established standards. In this very case the television audience should have been better warned.

The President calls upon the representatives of the media in general to treat journalists' standards with much more consideration and responsibility. Saturday's program once again proved that it is necessary to create high standards of journalistic ethics, which on the one side will protect the principle of free speech and on the other side will protect the society from irresponsible journalists and journalism.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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