

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened a monument of Heroes' Square in a Military Uniform

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened a monument on Heroes' Square in a Military Uniform. "No matter how many new buildings or how many cities we construct, how many new roads or highways we build, all the basis for it is the heroism of these people", Mikheil Saakashvili stated. Mikheil Saakashvili said that he was always worried about the fact that there was no monument erected in honor of our heroes, it seemed that the heroism of these people was forgotten. "There were people, who wanted to surrender and live under the pressure of occupants, these people left Georgia then, but patriots didn't do it. Patriots are peoples of various nationalities, there are names of Ossetians, Armenians, Azerbaijani, Abkhaz on the monument. I will never separate them they are three times Georgians. They, together, saved Georgia for at the cost of their own blood", Mikheil Saakashvili pointed out. He expressed his wish not to add new names on the monument, but he noted that every Georgian should be ready to defend their country in the decisive moment. "There are names of 4 000 heroes here. There are many empty places and I would wish not to add new names. But if we want Georgia to exist, we all must be ready, we all must put on this uniform, we have to be ready to get the weapons and in the decisive moment be ready to fall dead on the Georgian soil and put our names on the empty places of this monument". Mikheil Saakashvili stated. The monument will be lit at night and it can be seen from any flying object. "The idea of the monument is based on being light, transparent and not heavy, not very sad. The main thing is that their names must be written with gold letters on this monument. This monument must be like a shining torch that will be a big column of light and whoever flies over Georgia will be able to see it from the airplane. This is a shining soul of our warriors", Mikheil Saakashvili pointed out. Despite the fact that foreign forces occupy the best parts of our country the world could see that Georgia stands like a symbol of freedom. "If the plan of Russia's Prime Minister had been fulfilled in 2008 August, Georgia would not have its statehood, today there would not have existed the capital of Georgia and our national flag wouldn't have flown. Today we wouldn't have held a parade, but we would celebrate the anniversary of Soviet Georgia's birthday, that unfortunately is done by some people. Georgian heroes stopped for several days the movement of the very army that occupied Afghanistan in 24 hours, Czechoslovakia in 48 hours and Hungary in several days, at the cost of their lives", the President of Georgia stated. Georgian warriors gave a chance to the Georgian government to inform the world about Russian aggression and stop Russia with all diplomatic means - I will be in debt before them all my life" Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

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