

The President of Georgia visited Kutaisi

The President of Georgia visited Imereti region today. Mikheil Saakashvili went through the ongoing and already realized projects in Kutaisi. The first place that the President visited was McDonalds. The President of Georgia visited McDonalds together with the orphans, who tested Big Mac, a world famous brand in festive atmosphere. The newly opened McDonalds has 110 employees, all from Kutaisi. MikheilSaakashvili pointed out, the fact that McDonalds opened in Kutaisi means that big business is getting interested in this region.

"Very proud people live in this city. When Populi opened here, despite the fact that people live in hardship they still came to Populi. Now everyone will visit McDonalds. The biggest hardship among Georgian cities is in Kutaisi, but people strive for the high standard life", Mikheil Saakashvili noted.

The President appreciated the fact that the employees here are mainly young. "In Europe the first job that the student has is in McDonalds". Mikheil Saakashvili considers that these young people will learn how to work and how to earn their own money. 

The next place that the President visited was the ongoing construction site of the new Parliament building. As he said this building will open in 2012. 

"This is the major construction of the country. On the one hand it is a building but it is far more important than a building. This is the construction of Georgia's new political geography. In order to develop Tbilisi and whole Georgia, Tbilisi must not be the major place for everything. The fact that we will have the legislative body here and the MPs will be from all Georgia, the fact that Constitutional Court is in Batumi; one more fact that the Georgian government and the President will work in Tbilisi, means that we will distribute the functions throughout Georgia. New roads will be built here, people will have jobs, economics will be distributed throughout all Georgia, and we will get a very important base in the direction of the Black Sea and first of all in the direction of Abkhazia. This all means the balance of forces established during the centuries, that practically isolated Georgian regions will entirely change by means of this project. Together with the political and constitutional reforms, we will get much more decentralized, but much stronger country. In this case the central government will be located in several places. This excludes the prosperity of feudal mentality in Georgia, though it still exists in the separatist regions. On the other hand this will give us chance to develop regions and give people jobs", the President of Georgia stated.

Mikheil Saakashvili got interested in the rehabilitation process of Kutaisi Opera and Theatre, named after Meliton Balanchivadze. The construction works started by the initiative of the President and is going on under his control. While this building is over, there will be one more European standard Opera House in Georgia.The Opera House alike Vienna Opera House will open on November 23.

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