

Mikheil Saakashvili Met the Members of Georgian National Basketball Team

Mikheil Saakashvili met the members of the Georgian National Basketball team and thanked them for the success they have achieved. He said that Georgian basketball is obviously progressing, people hope in it, but the main thing still is the final victory. "I want to thank you for the progress of Georgian basketball and for giving our people hope in it. The final result will be, when we will play in the championship and will achieve success there. We are successful in individual sports in Georgia, but we have problems in team games. This is why rugby, football and basketball have are very important for us. We must show everyone that we are not strong when we are alone or separated, but when we are together. Our strength is in our unity. You, basketball players give us this hope. It is important for us healthy generation to be raised on your example. We took obligation that we will give you 50 thousand GEL on every match that you win. We will fulfill this promise. I want to tell you that if you win the final match, the State will give you 2 million GEL. At the same time I would like you to know that if you are in Lithuania, the same spirit that is here in Georgia will wait for you there. We have to use this chance. The Lithuanian people have great attitude towards you. We must put serious money next year to develop student's league. At the same time teams will be formed in colleges and universities and the competitions will be held between these teams. Many of schools will have their own basketball teams. You probably know that we have built 10 sport's palaces. We still continue the construction of sport's halls. We wish the serious sections to be formed. We will do everything for this. The State is a player and you must put the ball into the basket", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.


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