

The President of Georgia visited Terjola region

The President of Georgia opened a new school in village Chkhari, Imereti region together with the Minister of Education of Georgia. The school fully adheres to the modern standards. Labs of chemistry, physics and biology are equipped with the latest equipment. There is a closed sport's palace in the building and a big sport's complex opened nearby as well. English is taught by American teacher within the frames of program "teach and learn together with Georgia". The President of Georgia got personally interested in teaching methods and spoke with teachers and students. Mikheil Saakashvili granted two computers to the most successful pupils. 

"Everyone, who study well will get computer. I am so surprised when I saw such a beautiful school opened here. The child raised in this school will never be ashamed, like it was in soviet times", Mikheil Saakashvili noted during his discussion with schoolchildren.

School founded in 1872 got damaged after an earthquake in 1991 and the learning process has stopped there. Construction of new public school started in 2008 by the finances of the World Bank and it was constructed by the fund of municipal development.

The President of Georgia awarded the deputy of Supreme Legislative Body Zurab Butskhrikidze with the Presidential Order of Excellency for his shares in the development region.

"During the time of independence a big group of people has formed. There are exceptional people in this group. They have managed so differently their attitude towards their country, to civil or public services or to the Parliament. If there is someone, for whom the pain of people is his own pain - it is Zurab Butskhrikidze. He used to visit each family during the period of hardship, he used to bag Presidents and Ministers to do something for Terjola population. I want to tell you that he is exactly a man that doesn't want to do something for him. He wants everything for his people. I want everyone to be like him. Political parties today argue a lot that there must be no regional deputies in the Parliament. Some TV channels even stated that these people (regional deputies) are not familiar for the society. If someone is not sitting in studios everyday it doesn't mean that they are not working for their own regions, towns and villages. We will never allow this to happen, to give a chance to a parties working on one street only to share everything with each other. We need people, who will defend society interests more. If any order is sufficient to Zurab Butskhrikidze it is the Presidential Order of Excellence, because this man is an excellent example for struggling for the interests of people. This is why he is unbeaten in this region. This man has got not only no competitor in this region, but everyone loves him. This is his merit", the President stated at the ceremony and expressed his gratitude on the behalf of whole Georgian nation for his dedicated work.

Zyrab Butskhrikidze is a Member of Parliament of fourth convocation. The deputy chairman of Finance-Budgeting Committee is an author of many projects and legislative initiatives.

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