

Bilateral meeting was held between the President of Georgia and the President of Armenia

A tête-à-tête meeting was held between the Presidents of Georgia and Armenia at the President's Palace in Yerevan today. A meeting in of delegations was held in the wide format later. The President of Georgia offered his Armenian counterpart to start negotiations and working process on making boarders more transparent and to abolish the bureaucratic barriers.

"Much has to be done after this visit. We must do everything in order to make our boarders open. Cars must pass the boarders in such way that practically without even stopping their cars like it is in Switzerland and France. The boarders must be as transparent as it is in the countries of EU. People shouldn't get stopped and there must be no barriers. It is possible to cross the boarder from Georgian side in about 2 or 3 minutes, but it should be the same from your side as well. Change of information and creation of one unified base is necessary in order to hasten this process. We do not have problematic and difficult issues to discuss and we only speak about pleasurable topics. It is necessary to unite economics and force of two countries. Bureaucracy mustn't exist. We are very small countries, this is why we depend on each other and we must work in this direction", Mikheil Saakashvili noted.

Other subjects discussed during the meeting was deepening relations between the countries and improving business climate in Armenia. Official Yerevan expressed its wish to share Georgia's experience in carrying out reforms. Besides this they touched issues of new investment and energy projects.       

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