

The President of Georgia celebrated International Earth Day together with the youths

The President of Georgia celebrated International Earth Day together with the youngsters. Mikheil Saakasvhili together with them cleaned the green area near Jvari Monastery from the bottles and plastic shopping-bags and planted trees there. He also attached an artificial wooden nest for birds as well.

"People first go up to Jvari Monastery in order to find pleasure with the beauty of their country, they cross themselves, and then they come back to this place, drink toasts of their motherland and make this territory this dirty. We also have people, who would come and make this place five times dirtier if they found out that I came here to clean this place. But, anyway we will come again and clean", noted the President of Georgia.

The event dedicated to International Earth Day was held first time this year and the Youth Organization of United National Movement Party initiated it.  


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