

The President of Georgia visited Sachkhere region

The President of Georgia visited Sachkhere region today and met the population in Argveti, the mother-village of famous Georgian poet Mukhran Machavariani. Mikheil Saakashvili recalled his last meeting with Mukhran Machavariani, during which he promised the poet to provide running water for Sachkhere villages. As he said this promise is fulfilled and starting from today about 1000 families would have running water without any limitations. The daughter of poet called the president "a man of his own words" and thanked him for the fulfillment of promise.

"I want to thank you very much. My father used to appreciate "men of his own words" very much and I am sure that he is glad there up in the sky, because you have fulfilled his dream. I have a right to express the gratitude on the behalf of this wise population for providing us with running water", Nana Machavariani noted.

During his meeting with the population the President stated that every rayon must have its own representatives in the Parliament, who will be elected by the local population. As he said it is unacceptable someone to limit this rights for the locals. Mikheil Saakashvili doesn't agree to the request of the opposition on electing candidates only by party lists.

The President of Georgia opened swimming pool in Sachkhere region as well. The complex of European standards will host the competitions of high level as well.

"Six years ago, when I became a President, there was only one acting swimming pool "Karishkhala" only in Tbilisi and conditions there were horrible. One year later Vake swimming pool opened. Two are three complexes were added to that. Now the major thing is that swimming complexes open in regions. One is active in Kutaisi already, before that we have opened one in Samtredia.  This is the best swimming pool among those what we have made until now, a complex of Olympic standards is being constructed in Batumi. We have a training base in Kutaisi, where we can host regional and national level competitions. Swimming pools represent the sign of civilization. It is true that families are still in hardship, but when a child goes to a school that looks like a school in Germany or in Netherlands, when a child goes to the swimming complex that looks like a swimming complex in Denmark or Sweden - their future is guaranteed, despite the fact that the family still lives in a hardship. Some islands appear where there is a totally different level of living", Mikheil Saakashvili stated. The President visited seacoast resort Anaklia today as well and gave some tasks to the local population as well. As he stated, the grate majority of construction should end by July in order to open season with new infrastructure in Anaklia.    


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