

The President of Georgia called the National Security Council session

The President of Georgia called the National Security Council session today regarding terrorist's attacks planned in Tbilisi and Kutaisi today. 

Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about terrorist's attacks that were not fulfilled today and about the issues of providing security. The leader of the country underlined the fact that it is necessary to strengthen security measures in order not to repeat such facts and to continue country's development. 

"As you all know the law enforcement agencies, the Georgian Police carried out a very good operation and we have avoided well prepared, organized and financed terrorism attack on a peaceful territory in Kutaisi.

Before that our law enforcers opened the assassination case of our officer, Lieutenant Colonel Diomide Kordzadze. Other terrorist attacks carried out at the railway of Georgia, near the US Embassy and near the office of one opposition party (a live of peaceful citizen was sacrificed during this attack) are also opened.

It is absolutely clear that all of this has a connection. We are fully informed about what is happening. This is why we have to continue working. The level of security and especially the calmness that was obtained by Georgia in respect of our neighbors, especially our Northern neighbor is maintained despite the obvious attempts of external forces to shake all of this even a bit. However we need to make our actions ten times stronger.

I want to express my gratitude to those people, who helped us avoiding what was planned in Kutaisi today. We have to know that it is not the first and neither it would be the last time for us. We must strengthen our security measures; we must work more and make Georgia more secure. 

This is our major plus and we must maintain this at most. It is pretty clear what is the scheme of their actions. In previous years this scheme was being fulfilled from Tskhinvali region, now this scheme was restructured to the occupied territories of Abkhazia. We are in much better conditions today in regards of counter terrorism measures than we were in previous years.

I once again repeat that we need to strengthen working in this direction in order to be insured at most", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

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