

The President of Georgia visited Grigol Abashidze and Bagrat Shikunba statues at Sandor Petofi Museum


The President of Georgia laid flowers to the busts of Georgian poets Grigol Abashidze and Bagrat Shikunba at Sandor Petofi Museum in Kiskoro.

"I came here to honor this newly-opened statues. It is symbolic that Grigol Abashidze's and Bagrat Shikunba's statues stand side-by-side. I personally knew Grigol Abashidze since my childhood and I know that he was very close friend of Bagrat Shikunba. I would like to tell you that the history of Sandor Petofi is very important because he fell dead during the war with Russians, more specifically in a battle with General Paskevich's Army. This is General Paskevich, who was one of the occupants and devastators of Georgia. I remember, unfortunately, last months of Grigol Abashidze's live coincided with Sokhumi tragedy and his major sorrow, which he expressed in his poem, was that he was passing away old, lying in a bed and not the way Sandor Petofi, who got killed in a battle with his enemies. It was symbolic that this is a period when Sokhumi tragedy happened with the help of Russians. It is my duty to see the busts of Grigol Abashidze and Bagrat Shinkuba during my visit in Hungary", the President of Georgia stated.  



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