

The President of Georgia hosted representatives of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey

The President of Georgia hosted representatives of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey today. During the meeting, the sides drew attention to the issues of bilateral relations, regional development, and regional security. The representatives of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey once again expressed support for the territorial integrity of Georgia and noted that they support the aspiration of Georgia towards NATO. They thanked the President of Georgia for returning the Turkish sailors, who were rescued from the captivity of Somalian pirates, to Istanbul and specifically emphasized the cordial relations between the people of Turkey and Georgia. During the conversation, the sides touched on the issues of free trade and visa free travel between Georgia and Turkey. As they noted, considering the current circumstances, the relationship of Georgia and Turkey is an exemplary example for the rest of the world.

“The last time I visited Tbilisi was several years ago and this time, the changes are so impressive that I could not believe my eyes. We can see what you have done with every square meter of this city Mr. President. You have put your signature on the country and on the city. I am very much impressed by what I’ve seen: Fighting corruption, making people happier. All these institutions are really impressive and I’m happy to be here. I’m bringing you the best regards of the Turkish President and the Prime Minister.

We will never forget the gesture you have made by personally bringing the Turkish hostages to Istanbul. In our part of the region people are sentimental, like Georgians. And this kind of gesture will never be forgotten. Establishing a passport and visa free travel between our countries, while other countries are restricting travel among them, is an important message to the world from Turkey and Georgia. Thanks to you and our leaders. Thank you very much for giving us your precious time. We are proud of meeting you Mr. President. “

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