


The President of Georgia visited the Tsertsvadze family

The President of Georgia visited a Tbilisian family of Tsertsvadzes and talked to them about the initiatives he focused on while delivering his annual report to the Parliament. Mikheil Saakashvili touched on the issue of retraining, and noted that for raising qualifications and learning new professions the state will provide 1000 GEL vouchers for those with the desire to do so. The President also congratulated the ladies of the family on Women’s Day.

“It is necessary to learn new things constantly in order to improve conditions. By the way, we have already begun the 1000 GEL voucher program and we already have several very good retraining centers where new professions are taught with Americans; the professions that are most needed for the conditions of modernization. We have also organized some courses in computer skill development, English language and most importantly, you will have the opportunity to choose the profession based on your preferences. Most of our society is working hard, doing their best to be bread winners for their families. Some need relief on electricity bills; some need a retraining program, some an insurance policy. If you have insurance it is necessary to have a hospital nearby. Every district has to be equally comfortable for people to live. We are going to build a large swimming pool here – better than “Olympic”, we are also building a media library with wide computer abilities, a library and many other resources including trainings. This is being done not only to improve neighborhoods but to create centers. The residents of the suburbs should not have the feeling that everything is only in the city center. We should end this.” – noted the Head of State while meeting with them.

Mikheil Saakashvili returned to the Palace of the President by subway. He also congratulated the Tbilisian women on the 8th of March holiday and gave flowers to the women he met on his way back to work.

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