

The President of Georgia attended the testing of the first Georgian artillery device

The President of Georgia attended the testing of the first jet artillery device assembled in Georgia and created with Georgian circuits, at the Vaziani military test site. The Head of State familiarized himself with the capabilities of locally-made technology. The demonstration of the tactical and technical characteristics of the new jet system was also attended by the Minister of Defense of Georgia – Bacho Akhalaia. After the presentation, Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about the merits of the Georgian specialists and importance of local production.

“We have had the examples of Singapore and Israel. These countries had started their military production from scratch. That was when we all sat down – Bacho Akhalaia was actively involved in the process - we used our existing industrial base and most importantly, intellectual resources. As it appears, we can do everything…this is already a high tech Georgian production. The reality is that we have thousands of new opportunities in terms of industrial production. Several thousand people are already employed in this direction in Georgia.

We have created a new artillery device and we are going to start producing shells in the near future. We have also produced flying objects and armored technology with canons, which is more advanced in terms of characteristics than the similar old soviet technology. I am proud to have found out that we can do everything. We are starting to cooperate with international missions and organizations. We have many new prospects in terms of developing our armed forces and equipping them, but no matter how good our prospects are, we should never say no to those which are our own. The fact that our technology ends up being four times cheaper than its than what we had been purchasing is also important. It is especially important that these technologies are more effective than their previous models” – stated the President and noted that the country already has export potential in this sense.

While creating a salvo firing jet system, its designers considered the accumulated international experience in the military sphere. It was created at the medical-technical “Delta” base under the command of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia.

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