

The President of Georgia met with the delegation of the European People’s Party


The President of Georgia met with the Vice President of the European People’s Party - Jacek Saryusz-Wolski and members of EPP who are also part of Euronest. The sides reviewed the issues and recommendations which will be discussed at the Euronest plenary session. The importance of European aspirations and democratic reforms of Georgia and the fact that Georgia has been able to achieve the beginning of negotiations regarding the deep and comprehensive Free Trade Agreement was once again noted during the meeting. The President of Georgia addressed the participants of the meeting within the scope of the broad meeting. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about the importance of democratic elections and the participation of the members of European Parliament and observers in this process.

“Firstly, I would like to greet the members of the EU Partnership program, Euronest. I am glad that representatives of several countries have gathered under one roof. The Armenian and Azeri Deputies are also here. Tbilisi is a very good place for them to meet in order to discuss these important issues. Our deep vision is based on the vision of the united peaceful Caucasus vision and we will never go off this course. There is no alternative to this for our countries.

Parliamentary cooperation is very important for Georgia, especially because parliamentary elections will be held in our country, and we are going to elect a new Parliament. Our Parliament is changing location and moving to our second largest city. The political philosophy it is based on is also changing and its power is going to increase noticeably. It is our goal to have completely transparent and clean elections. This is an issue of democratic development and a matter of national security. It won’t be coincidental if our neighbor decides to start large military trainings in the second part of September, several days before the election. Aside from this, it will use all possible means to discredit these elections, frighten Georgians through the use of force on one hand, and on the other hand buy Georgian voters by the money flow from that country. However, I think the year 2008 showed us well that it is impossible to change the unshakable will of Georgia by scare tactics and bribes. The Georgian people know well where they are headed. Our multi-ethnic society knows well what are in its best interest. It is not afraid, because it is building a free future for its children and society.

We need many international observers not only on the day of the elections but today, tomorrow, and the day after. The sooner observers arrive from the European Parliament, the European Union, OSCE and other international organizations, the better. This is very important for us. It is our desire that international organizations administer many studies, study public opinion, so that various elements bought by the money brought from abroad do not have a chance to manipulate the public on Election Day. This is why large international organizations, if possible, should administer studies on public opinion so that those desiring to sway public opinion are not able to discredit the process during the elections and after, and cause unrest. Despite their desire, I don’t think they will be able to accomplish it because we have a much more developed democracy, firmer institutions, and a more confident society. This is exactly why we need you to be more active, work more, research public opinion, and monitor the mass media as well as the entire election process. It is important to control the financing of the parties through international instruments, which means employing all international mechanisms accepted in a democratic society.

I would once again like to express appreciation towards those European Parliament Members whose efforts resulted in the European Parliament passing a very right and clear resolution, where the occupation and ethnic cleansing in Georgia are emphasized and the military crimes committed in our country are given a just assessment. We are also going to continue this extensive international cooperation in the future” – stated the President of Georgia during the meeting.

The broad meeting was attended by 23 Deputies from various countries of Europe and their Georgian colleagues. The above mentioned group will travel to Baku tomorrow with the Georgian Deputies, where they will participate in the plenary session of Euronest -“Parliamentary Dimension of the Eastern Partnership”

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