

Mikheil Saakashvili visited the Kvatsikhe Village in the Tchiatura area


The President of Georgia visited the Kvatsikhe Village in the Tchiatura area with the First Lady Sandra Elizabeth Roelofs, and met with local residents. Mikheil Saakashvili informed the residents of the villages about already implemented state projects, and stressed the programs which are going to become functional next month. The Head of State gave special attention to the increased pension and the common insurance package. The President later spoke about projects that the government is planning to implement in the nearest future.

“Many children cannot vote during these elections. I do not doubt that the Georgian people will make the right choice and our people will not let these children regret that we have made an incorrect choice. Sandra and I have stopped our house today, where the Tsereteli Home Museum is located. They were public figures in the previous century and they were the best people. They did a lot for their country, but this country lost independence because it ended up in the hands of people like the Orjonikidzes. I was reading the materials related to that time period in the last few days. After declaring independence, everything was going well for a few years but then the Georgian traitors gave the country to the conqueror and life was paused for generations. We should not let anything happen that will pause the lives of these children. This is very important. Freedom is the only way for Georgia” – noted the President of Georgia.

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