

The President of Georgia held a meeting with the heads of law enforcement bodies

The President of Georgia held a meeting with the acting Minister of Internal Affairs, Ekaterine Zguladze and Chief Prosecutor of the country, Murtaz Zodelava in regard to the recent crimes committed in the country. The President of Georgia expressed outrage, and called on every political force to respect the constitution and existing legislation in order to not let chaos and lawlessness break out in the country. According to the President, transfer of power will happen within constitutional norms and limits, and this process must not be felt in terms of everyday security.

“We should understand that this is a transitional period but it is the responsibility of the heads of the law enforcement agencies as well as each policeman and each staff member of the prosecutor’s office. They must not let the law and order be replaced by chaos in the country. We are no longer living in the 90s, and if anybody has an illusion that their time has come they are very wrong. That’s why you must talk to each policeman and prosecutor to work as they did before and restore order. Armed robbery, grand theft auto, and other types of crimes must be eliminated just like before. We all respect democracy and the Georgian people’s choice. You will transfer power to the next minister just like it is required by the law. The current government will transfer power within the limits of constitution. This is our great achievement in terms of constitutional order, but it must not touch the everyday lives of our citizens. This is a holy untouchable thing” – stated the President during the meeting.

Additionally, Mikheil Saakashvili noted, that each responsible political force must work in order to keep lawfulness and eliminate crime.

“When a person does not use seatbelts that persons protests to oneself…seatbelts have decreased the death rate on roads by 30 %. According to the European Union we had the lowest crime rate in Europe before, and I am very proud of it…we have to watch closely in order to keep thieves in law from crossing our borders. Being a thief in law is against the law in Georgia and we should work on it. I am deeply convinced that their time will never come back in democratic conditions. They will never regain power in our streets and yards because of the rule of law. Each political force – us, you and the Georgian society – must not allow the putting of this achievement in harm’s way. The election campaign has ended and it is no longer time for rhetoric and enmity. We have recognized the election results and now everyone must respect the constitution and every law” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The Head of State is also going to discuss the situation in prisons with Giorgi Tugushi, despite the fact that order has been restored there and torture eliminated. According to him, the transfer of power must not cause lawlessness in the prison system. 

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