

The President of Georgia met with residents of Gldani



The President of Georgia met with the residents of Gldani and personally familiarized them with the details of new social projects, future plans, and the new initiative of the government. During the meeting, Mikheil Saakashvili spoke in detail about the agreement signed between the government and the people regarding the obligation to fix specific problems and fulfill this promise.

“The most important thing is what’s written in the agreement. To be happy that we are employed, we have good income, prospects, and the future of our families and children is secure. This is a lot bigger challenge which I hope we can handle together” – stated the President while focusing on ways of overcoming unemployment and preparing qualified cadres in the country.

“We have big tasks and we must handle them. We are already moving towards this goal. The most important thing now is to overcome unemployment so that people have income. Despite the successes the most important thing is what you have on the table when a child wakes up, gets dressed and goes to school and what the child is like after coming home and what prospect the country gives him/her. The most important thing is to be employed and be able to go to work in the morning. The most important thing is for a person, who is 50 years old and loses a job, not to have the feeling that life has ended.” – noted Mikheil Saakashvili.,

According to the Head of State, it is important for him that social fairness exists in the country and a social structure which will give access to a high quality healthcare and education system to everyone. The conversation touched on the principals of using a new 1000 GEL voucher and the services included in the insurance package. The President explained in detail to the population what the vouchers are for. According to him, they can cover communal, school books, and agricultural costs with these vouchers and the insurance policies will cover the most important medical costs.

While talking with the population, the President spoke about the importance of a newly created Ministry of Employment. He noted that it has the power to find and employ qualified people for the 6 thousand vacant jobs that exist as of today. In this sense, the President mentioned that the education facilities that have been opened recently are very important. As he noted, the representatives of businesses have a high demand for the graduates of these schools. Mikheil Saakashvili stated that he is personally controlling the construction process of one such school which will be opened in Gldani in September. As the President explained, the new infrastructural projects that are being implemented in the suburbs are important for the government, including the European type swimming pool which will be opened in September.

During the meeting the President also spoke about already implemented projects and successful reforms most of which have become exemplary for leading countries. 

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