

The President of Georgia participated in the workings of the European People’s Party Summit in Batumi

The President of Georgia participated in the workings of the European People’s Party Eastern Partnership Summit which was held in Batumi. The President of the EPP Wilfried Martens, whose imitative it was to hold the EPP summit in Georgia, opened the summit. During his speech Wilfried Martens spoke about the European aspirations of Georgia and stated that he welcomes the country’s common European values. Other participants also made statements during the session while focusing on the importance of the Eastern Partnership. The session ended by passing a joint declaration. The declaration outlines the actions that the country needs to implement in order to accelerate the European integration process namely, the association agreement, visa free regime, and the deep and comprehensive free trade agreement with the countries of the EU.

The summit was dedicated to European integration prospects, democratic reforms, rule of law and security issues.

After the work meeting, Mikheil Saakashvili and Wilfried Martens held a joint press conference.

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