

Mikheil Saakashvili met with the OSCE Secretary General


The President of Georgia met with the OSCE Secretary General at the Batumi Public Service Hall today. Mikheil Saakashvili and Lamberto Zannier spoke about bilateral relations, regional security, and the existing conditions in the occupied territories. The sides also spoke about European values. One of the main topics of discussion was the upcoming elections in the country. Mikheil Saakashvili once again expressed readiness to host as many observers from European institutions as possible so that they observe the campaign and election processes. According to the President of Georgia, this is important for keeping the election process fair and democratic. In his turn, Lamberto Zanieri promised the Head of State support in this matter and stated that several dozen European observers will observe the pre-election process and an additional several dozen the election itself.

Lamberto Zanieri learned about the implemented and ongoing reforms in Georgia and toured the Batumi Public Service Hall. The OSCE Secretary General expressed interest in the services the Public Service Hall offers citizens.

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