

The President of Georgia visited the United States Naval Academy

The President of Georgia visited the Annapolis Naval Academy within the scope of his official visit to the United States. A special ceremony was held at the central square of the historic academy in order to welcome Mikheil Saakashvili. He met with the students and the representatives of the academy. The Secretary of the United States Navy introduced the President of Georgia as the leader of one of the most democratic countries in front of several hundred students. Mikheil Saakashvili also addressed the students while focusing on the bilateral cooperation between the two countries and noted that America is not only a partner for Georgia – it is a country which represents the idea of freedom. The Secretary of the Navy personally took the President of Georgia on a tour of the historic building of the Annapolis Naval Academy and the student housing buildings.

Mikheil Saakashvili later spoke with the 4 Georgian students who are attending the academy. While talking to them, the Head of State drew attention to the contribution of the Georgian soldiers in the peacekeeping missions.

“The quality of education is very high at this academy, but only 50 foreign students are studying here. Very soon we are going to begin a large military training program with the Americans. This means that if there are only 4 Georgian students at this academy today, we should have tens more here and hundreds of students in the academies of other countries. You are the people who will train others in Georgia” – stated the President of Georgia while talking with them.

Mikheil Saakashvili also made some comments for the press and spoke about the importance of the Georgian students attending the academy.

“American soldiers are behaving in a different way; wherever they go you can distinguish an American soldier out of a thousand others. Our guys are exactly like that. If I had not known that they were Georgian I would have thought that they were American. This is very important because this is exactly what creates the tradition that Russians have killed in us. They practically did not invite Georgian soldiers to the armed forces of the Soviet Union because they did not trust Georgians, but we are recreating this tradition. The students who graduate from this academy will be the best officers we have ever had in our history. They are studying at the best academy in the world and we will send more students here in the future. Georgia genetically has military traditions; that is why it is impossible for our soldiers not to be the best. They were the most famous throughout the world. This tradition will return and it will do so from these walls and the walls of other academies. We will develop our military academy with the help of these guys.” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

While visiting the Annapolis Academy, the President of Georgia was given a memorable student jacket as a gift, with his name and a logo of the academy. A representative of the Naval Academy gave it to the President during his meeting with the students.

The Annapolis Academy was founded 167 years ago. It is considered one of the most prestigious schools. In the past, President Jimmy Carter and Senator John McCain graduated from the Academy. 4,400 students are currently enrolled at the school, including 55 foreigners from 30 countries.

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