

The President of Georgia: “Europe is the safest place for Georgia”

After the end of the EPP Summit participating leaders made joint statements for the media. The President of Georgia once again focused attention on the importance of European integration and cooperation with the EPP. Mikheil Saakashvili stressed that Europe is the safest place for Georgia, and spoke about the prospects of Georgia’s integration in Euro-Atlantic structures for the Vilnius Summit.

”President Martens is a historic figure for Europe, but he is already a history figure for my country. He is a historic figure for this region as well, and this history goes back many years. I am here together with the General Secretary of our party Vano Merabishvili, who was one of the most successful political leaders in Georgia of my generation for all these years, and remains such. He started his political career as a student by visiting Brussels as a young Christian Democrat, and he was hosted as a young student by an already then legendary and great European figure, President Martens. This really showed how much President Martens cares about these contacts and how much he cultivates them, and what we have now can be traced back to this first visit there of Vano Merabishvili. It is now a decisive time period for us because Georgia is no longer a member of CIS, and we need advancement in a new direction. Europe is the safest place in this sense.  This is my and my party’s ambition – European transformation. As for integration this remains unchanged. We should be given a chance to advance on the Vilnius Summit just like it happened for the Western Balkan States during the Thessaloniki Summit. This process should start for every member country of the Eastern Partnership” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

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