

The President of Georgia: it is unacceptable to lose the opportunity to enter the European family and for a safer and more secure future

The delegation of the largest group in the European Parliament – EPP is visiting Tbilisi these days and we have seen their statement.

They can block any decision at the European Parliament, and they have stated that if things go on like they are Georgia will not get the Association Agreement during the Vilnius Summit this year.

My government worked very intensively during all of these years in order to reach this goal, and we have come as close to it as possible. 8 years ago Georgia was not even on the map of Europe.

After 8 years of such intensive work and reforms, and as a result of the fact that the European Union named Georgia the least corrupt and criminalized country and saw all the successes of our country, we were going to sign an Association Agreement in Vilnius this year.

Based on their statement, the recent occurrences in the country put all of this at risk, and the destruction of everything we were building for all these years is very tough for me.

It is impossible for anyone to be happy about this fact…the opposition or the government.

This is a very tough strike for our country and if Europe rejects us like this, then we will be an easy bite for our neighbor and all of our declarations will lose any meaning.

This is why we must wake up and not put the abilities of this party under suspicion. This is the party which can truly block what we have been achieving up until now.

We must wake up and realize that some of the things need to be improved. We must sit down together and improve them.

We must not create such a risk for our country which will let this train pass by and not come back for years. It is unacceptable to lose the opportunity to enter the European family and a safer and more secure future.

I am of course outraged by this.

I am ready to discuss this topic with the government. Nobody should say …”so what?” this easily.

This is truly a big and overly problematic story, and despite our political beliefs we must all work together in order for this story not to continue. Otherwise, in the end, Georgia will lose and none of us will stay victorious.

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