

George Bush: “You have friends in America - when building a free and democratic country, know the American people are by your side!”

Today, at 9 o'clock in the morning the U.S. President George Bush visited the courtyard of the Georgian parliament, where the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili introduced him to members of the state. After hearing hymns of the two countries, Georgian and American Presidents moved to the parliament building. There George Bush met the parliament speaker and the parliamentarians as well as the representatives of the ethnic minorities. After the face-to-face conversation, both of the Presidents continued with a press conference.

In his welcoming speech, Mikheil Saakashvili once again stressed the importance of the visit of the American President for Georgia - for the democracy development and the foundation of the liberal values.

"After the Rose Revolution no other country but the United Sated did demonstrate so much support Georgia. This applies help offered within the spheres of democracy as well as security", - emphasized the Georgian President. According to him, the current democracy reform processes is to speed up even more.

Mikheil Saakashvili spoke of the revival of territorial unity of Georgia and stated that this problem should be resolved in a peaceful way. He also mentioned the fact that Georgia should form friendly relationship with the neighboring countries.

The American President expressed words of gratitude to his Georgian colleague and Georgian people for their hospitality and stated that Georgia is a great example within the Caucasus region. He emphasized that the Rose Revolution had great importance and it "made living in a free society desirable for the whole world. Such courage is worthy of being emphasized and prized".

According to George Bush, America is supporting the peaceful conflict resolution approach initiated by Georgia and promises to offer help.

President Bush mentioned the question of integration into NATO - "We are also waiting for this to happen and wish for the Georgian people to achieve their goals." He thanked Georgia for the support offered in Afghanistan and Iraq and said: "I would like to thank Georgia once again and say that you have friends in America!"

From the parliament building both of the Presidents along with their spouses took of in the direction of the Freedom Square, where more than 150 thousand people were waiting for them since morning. American and Georgian presidents made their speeches. As Mikheil Saakashvili emphasized in his speech, that he did not come to the square together with his people in order to remember the bitterness of the past. He wanted to discuss the future goals. " President Bush's visit is a proof of the fact that Georgia has already achieved a lot and is able to achieve even more. When we unite into one fist, there is nothing impossible for us, not one dream is too faded, and not one goal is impossible to achieve", - said Mikheil Saakashvili.

George Bush emphasized he offers help to the Georgian population and promised to support in the creation of a brighter future. He remembered the events of April 1989, when the Georgian nation was to fight the Soviet Army unarmed for the freedom and independence of its country. "The Soviet Army was able to destroy some Georgians, though it was not able to destroy the spirit of the Georgian nation", - said the American President and added -" Americans respect your choices of freedom. You don't have to walk this road alone - when building a free and democratic country, know the American people are by your side!"

From the Freedom Square George Bush took of for the airport. The airplane of the United States President left Georgia at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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