

President Saakashvili visits Kakheti

Today President Mikheil Saakashvili visited the Katheti region in eastern Georgia to distribute ammonium nitrate and farmers' manuals to the residents of the village of Napareuli. 
Each family in the village received 25 kg of nitrate. Seven million lari was earmarked from the presidential fund for this purpose. 

President Saakashvili said that this year mechanized farming will be introduced in Georgia's rural areas. "This year we start implementing a reconstruction program of the irrigation systems in our rural areas, one which will cost more than 80 million dollars. We started preparation work last year. Fertilizer will be given to every family. Moreover, we are purchasing over 500 new tractors. The Georgian state marches forward and is committed to developing Georgia's rural areas," President Saakashvili said upon presenting the village of Napareuli with a new tractor.


Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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