

The President of Georgia gave a speech in Warsaw and answered questions by students


The President of Georgia met with students of the European College in Warsaw. The Rector of the college, The Chairman of the Board of the college and a member of the European Parliament, Jacek Wolski, presented the President of Georgia to the audience. During his address the President of Georgia spoke in details about the importance of reforms implemented in Georgia and achieved successes. He also severely criticized the policies of the new government. According to Wolski’s assessment, if the achieved success and the chosen course is not kept Georgia may stay without the Association Agreement at the Vilnius Summit.

“For years Georgia was one of the most progressive and pro-European countries. It is already on the way to having an Association Agreement with the EU, and has an ambition to become a member of NATO. Georgia distinguished itself by democratic reforms and economic indicators, and it was an example for the Eastern Partnership. The current situation raises concern. Brussels is observing the current situation with great attention, however, critically as well. As it is expected the Association Agreement is scheduled to be signed during the Vilnius Summit, but it is possible that this won’t happen in case the negative tendencies continue. The European Union cannot sign the Association Agreement with Georgia if its partner keeps violating its fundamental principles” – stated Jacek Wolski.

The Rector of the European Academy, Paul Demarite named Georgia as one of the exemplary countries in the region during his opening statement.

“For many of us you are a symbol of returning Georgia to the road of democratic rule, modernization and fight with corruption. For us you are also a symbol of a small country trying to bravely protect its independence against imperial power and strengthen its territorial integrity. You also symbolize the fact that achieving democracy works for progress everywhere at all times and fighting for it requires time. We know that goals of your presidency are based on strengthening ties between Georgia and the European Union within the scope of the EU neighboring policy” – noted Paul Demarite during his statement.

During his address, the Head of State spoke about implemented reforms, internal political situation, European choice and necessity of integration in NATO. Mikheil Saakashvili once again severely criticized the statement by the Prime Minister of Georgia regarding his assessment of the Russian Georgian war. He later spoke about the importance of raising education quality in the country. After the address the Head of State answered questions by students.

European students ended the meeting with a special cultural event in the honor of the President of Georgia. Representatives of various parts of the world performed Georgian songs in the hall.

Later on Mikheil Saakashvili also attended the reception hosted by the Georgian Diaspora in the same building.

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