

President Saakashvili arrives in Ganmukhuri following incident with Russian peacekeepers, declares commander

On 30 October Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili arrived in the village of Ganmukhuri, in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict zone, after Russian peacekeepers surrounded the nearby patriot youth camp and detained and brutally beat several local Georgian policemen.

Following the release of the detained Georgians, Saakashvili declared Gen Sergey Chaban, the commander of the CIS Collective Peacekeeping Force in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict zone, "persona non grata" in Georgia.

Saakashvili told a peacekeeping colonel at the scene of the incident: "The peacekeepers who are here to protect the local population have for many years allowed the killing of people, the abduction of people and the extortion of their money.

"We have set up a youth camp in compliance will all Georgian laws and we set up a police post to protect it. This morning, you attacked the police post in violation of your mandate, in violation of all international norms, in violation of the mandate of the UN Observer Mission, which also failed to act. You beat our policemen who were protecting the peaceful life of citizens.

"Next: immediately withdraw all of your soldiers and do not let them come back here ever again, because we have given an order to defend ourselves if there is another attack, defend ourselves with all possible means and you are well aware that we have sufficient means. Our patience is coming to its end.

"Also, tell your general, Mr Chaban, that I am declaring him persona not grata in Georgia and that he must leave Georgian territory in the coming days. I inform you that Sukhumi is just as much part of Georgia and Ganmukhuri, Zugdidi and Tbilisi. He must leave immediately. Immediately start behaving in accordance with the norms your mandate."

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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