

Georgia’s acting president meets Slovak foreign minister, chairman of the EU committee of ministers Jan Kubish

„Your visit to Georgia will greatly contribute the development of intensive cooperation between the two countries," stated acting President of Georgia Nino Burjanadze at her meeting with Jan Kubish, foreign minister of Slovakia, chairman of the EU committee of ministers.

At the meeting the parties discussed the prospects of developing relations in the fields of trade, economy and culture, as well as the importance of cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries.

While talking about Georgia's integration into the EU and NATO Jan Kubish stated that Slovakia was supporting Georgia's NATO and EU aspirations, stressing that Georgia should deliver a right massage to international organizations before the NATO's summit in Bucharest.

Nino Burjanadze advised her guest of the latest developments in Georgia. Jan Kubish positively reflected upon the decision of lifting state of emergency earlier than it was planned. "Your, the Parliament Speaker's role in maintaining stability in Georgia should be particularly underscored," he said.

The issue of the January 5 presidential elections was also discussed at the meeting. „I'll do everything to ensure holding of transparent and democratic elections in the country. Every presidential candidate should be treated equally during their pre-election campaign," Nino Burjanadze said.

Foreign Affairs Minister of Slovakia positively evaluated Georgian Government's willingness to invite many international observers to monitor the January 5 elections. "We welcome your government's willingness to invite international observers. I believe, that the January 5 presidential elections will once again prove that democratic values are irreversible," said Jan Kubish.

press Office
of the President of Georgia

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