

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the Foreign Minister of Slovakia

Today the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the Foreign Minister of Slovakia Miroslav Lajcak. During the meeting the Slovak guest noted that his country is ready to express full support to Georgia in the process of European integration and to share his experience with Georgia.

"Thank you very much for your arrival and your permanent lobbyism in European structures. During last week I had several meetings with European leaders. I received the President of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Soares and the Prime Minister of Poland, as well as the President of European Peoples' Party Martinez. After you I have a meeting with EBRD President Tomas Mirow. Nick Gilauri, the Prime Minister of Georgia had his official visit in Brussels. The Foreign Minister of Georgia was tasked by me to visit several European countries. In spite of many attempts of isolating Georgia internationally we on the contrary we are getting closer to Europe as never before.

I hope we will have achieved some results regarding simplification of visa procedures by summer, so that people will not have to stand in long lines. In maximum two years, I hope, Finnish and Polish initiative will be realized and the citizens of Georgia will not need visas to Europe and the regime of free trade will be activated", stated the President of Georgia during his meeting with Miroslav Lajcak.

"We know what is needed to achieve success and what is the result of it, because our experience is new and we offer you it. We are honest mediators and we do not have any interest besides helping you. We wish to help you take the place we have achieved", Miroslav Lajcak noted.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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