

President Saakashvili visits Ghudushauri children's clinic in Tbilisi

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, together with First Lady Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs, today visited Tbilisi's Ghudushauri clinic to attend a presentation of a new programme to diagnose congenital defects at an early age. The programme envisages genetic tests on the foetuses of pregnant women in high-risk groups, particularly those living in poverty.

"Two years ago we did not even have the most basic equipment necessary to carry out these tests. We will do all we can to make this service available to each of our citizens. Very few Georgians can afford to go abroad for such tests, so we must have all kinds of laboratories in Georgia so that all tests and all operations can be carried out here.

"We are building hospitals and laboratories in Georgia. All of this is being done so that our citizens don't have to go outside the country and so that such tests will be available to anyone. I am happy that in this specific case we have managed to do this," Saakashvili said.

Later today President Saakashvili went to Tbilisi's Rustaveli Theatre to attend a performance of Nodar Dumbadze's play "Hellados" directed by Goga Pipinashhvili of Art Hall. The play was performed by young people, some of whom had physical disabilities.

"They need all kinds of support. The topic was very interesting for me personally and also, it is significant that there was nothing fake there," Saakashvili said.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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