

Mikheil Saakashvili: “The Government will compensate the damage caused by natural disaster”

Before his departure to Moscow the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment on the situation caused by weather conditions in Georgia.

The President of Georgia advised people to be careful and mentioned that the situation on the roads is under control. Due to his comments the situation is still difficult in Shida Kartli and in some regions of West Georgia.

The President issued additional funds to local management bodies for the liquidation of the damage on local population houses caused by the disaster.

As Saakashvili has mentioned the 80% of energy transmitters are already restored, and part is being repaired at this moment.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs lifesaving unit was involved in the operation of taking out the passengers who were jammed in traffic because by the huge snowfall. The same unit helped in cleaning the roads from snow as well. Armenia helped Georgia - they helped people jammed near the Armenian border in Ninotsminda and Akhalkalaki regions and took them to Armenia.

"I would like everyone to know that we won't ever leave our citizens in trouble. The State will compensate all damage caused by disaster. We have issued additional funds already to help people. I advise everyone to be very careful while moving from one place to another. We will do everything to bring the situation back to normal condition" - stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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