

The President of Georgia MikheilSaakashvili opened a new hotel in Tskneti

The President of Georgia MikheilSaakashvili opened a new hotel and entertaining center "Kopala" in Tskneti. This complex belongs to Georgian businessman TornikeKopaleishvili. The tree story building includes hotel of 24 rooms, swimming pool, movie theatre, center for children and other recreation halls. The construction process lasted 2 years, the cost is nine million GEL worth. There are 70 people employed in the center.

"This man used to have the best restaurants in Russia. In 1980 he was the first who started this business and the Presidents, journalists, foreign guests used to go only in "Pirosmani", in Moscow. The fact that Mr. Kopaleishvili invested money in Georgia despite the global crisis and after Russia-Georgian conflict is a real patriotic action. Almost 9 million GEL is invested n this hotel and 70 people are given jobs. This type of investments will save Georgian economy and jobs. We belong to the region around which the economies are in trouble. Georgia will survive, Georgia will stand strong if the political situation will be stable. Russia threw us away from its market, but we fulfilled reforms on the timely manner. Our government works on one major issue - not to allow the collapse of our economy. This will not happen, everything will be on the contrary. When such patriots invest money in Georgia's economy, this is what gives us a hope. I can hardly imagine more patriotism than to invest money in Georgia, to create jobs, to invest in stability and better future of Georgia. If we fulfill everything like we planned it, we will resolve all major aims. I came here to express my gratitude towards Mr. TornikeKopaleishvili. Every single person, who will work like this may believe that the president will be their best ally, and the Georgian government will be the major help", MikheilSaakashvili stated.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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