

The President of Georgia met with the Head of the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM)


The President of Georgia met with the Head of the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) Toivo Klaar. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about importance of the mission’s work in Georgia and thanked him for the administered work. The Head of State focused attention on the fact of relocating the barbwires from the Russian side and other provocations that have been taking place in the recent weeks.

“I would like to welcome the new Head of the European Union’s Monitoring Mission (EUMM). We have had an unprecedented amount of activity from the side of Georgia’s occupant in the recent weeks and they have seized and conquered additional hundreds of hectares. They have taken away more arable land from the farmers than in 2008 in the Liakhvi Gorge. Of course this has extraordinarily provocative and dangerous nature and political aims. We will do anything to work with our European partners to resist such provocations and burglaries in the future. These actions can be called nothing else. We must also show integrity and help our people as much as we can. Presence of EU monitors here is important because information is shown on their radars and they know from a firsthand source what is going on so they can make right conclusions. We thank the observers because they truly serve security and establishment of peace in our country” – stated the President of Georgia during the meeting.


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