

The President of Georgia met the Vice President of Intel Corporation John E. Davies

The President of Georgia met John E. Davies, the vice president of Intel World Ahead Program of Intel Corporation. The Minister of Education and Sciences Dimitry Shashkin, Intel South Caucasus and Central Asia Regional Manager Dmitry Kissel and John Fernandes, Business & Marketing Organization Director of Infinite Possibilities at Microsoft Corporation attended the meeting as well.

Sides discussed the issues of education, healthcare and middle business development and agreed that they will cooperate in project of providing population with personal computers in good prices.

Intel Corporation is providing the availability of information technologies aiming economic stimulation all around the world. By the support of Intel Corporation modern technologies, high-speed internet connection, improved healthcare system and high quality education gets available for millions of people of various social groups. From now on Georgia will join this program as well and informational technologies would get available for every level of our population. 



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