Statement on Russian military  activities in Black Sea region


Recent, Unusual military exercises initiated by Russian Federation without any prior warning, is a matter of deep concern for Georgian side. These exercises are largest military maneuvers at the Black Sea since 2008 war Russia conducted against Georgia, that resulted by occupation of Georgia’s sovereign territories by Russian military forces.

While Georgia remains committed to the non-use of force declared by the President of Georgia on November 23, 2010, and obligations undertaken under the Russian-Georgian Ceasefire Agreement of August 12, 2008, mediated by European Union, The Russian Federation is in breach of the fundamental norms of international law, fails to fulfill the Russian-Georgian Ceasefire Agreement, and refuses to pledge not to attack Georgia. Therefore – in that larger context, as a strategic consequence, this type of unnotified activities will further threaten not only Georgian Security, but the security of the entire region.

Arms control and disarmament regimes along with various CSBMs (Confidence and Security Building Measures) represent the cornerstone of European Security. Russian Federation has been disregarding these mechanisms as part of its Foreign Policy. This behavior has only unfavorable effects on the spirit of confidence and trust, consequently challenging the regional security.