Statement by the President of Georgia


Dear compatriots,

As you know our absolute majority participated in the Parliamentary elections today.

First of all, I want to thank all of those, who went to the polls today in conditions of complete freedom and transparent elections as we had promised, and expressed political will regarding the short and long term future of Georgia.

Election results are still being counted and we will need a minimum of several hours before the full picture is shaped out, but based on the exit polls, the Georgian Dream coalition has gained advantage in terms of proportional representation. Regarding the majoritarian districts, as it appears, the United National Movement has gained great advantage.

In Georgia the election system is organized so that votes are distributed approximately equally;

A little more than half will enter the Parliament proportionally, and almost the other half will from majoritarian districts.

This is done so that each region of Georgia, even each small region, must be represented within its historic borders so that the vote of each citizen of Georgia, regardless of their regional origins, is heard in the Parliament and the government of Georgia.

Hence, in order to receive the full picture, these votes must be counted, and it must be ascertained who will be represented with a majority in the Parliament of Georgia.

However, based on the today’s picture, elections have been held successfully in any case.

As a result of the elections, the parliament members must get involved in the democratic process.

One thing has to be stated, when we look at the election results, based on the proportional system, the vast majority of Georgian Dream’s advantage is based on the votes that the coalition has gained in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, with a big majority. Except for Tbilisi, the United National Movement is leading with a serious advantage practically in every region of Georgia.

This does not mean that we are dividing Georgia into Tbilisi and Regions – we are all Georgians and citizens of our country, and we must all stand by each other’s side.

We must all achieve working together in existing democratic conditions and despite the fact that the election campaign was tense, emotional, and unfortunately often dirty, all of this must stay in the past, and we must achieve representing interests of every region and every citizen of Georgia in the new Parliament and government of Georgia.

I, as President, guarantee that the switching to the new Parliament system will take place painlessly, democratically, and within the limits of our constitution.

I am sure that the new legislative system will be able to make decisions that are beneficial for our country.