The President of Georgia opened the Kutaisi International Airport


The President of Georgia participated in the opening ceremony of the Kutaisi International Airport. While addressing the gathered audience, the President spoke about the infrastructural projects that have been implemented around the entire country in the recent years. According to him, each of such projects gives opportunities for more employment. Mikheil Saakashvili later focused attention on the importance of building airports, and noted that similar airports give an opportunity to bring in new airlines which will make flying more affordable for each citizen of Georgia. Mikheil Saakashvili also touched on the upcoming elections.

“We are opening a new airport in the place of the old military airport of Kopitnari, which the aviation of our enemies leveled in 2008 and completely destroyed the existing infrastructure. This airport is a symbol of Georgia’s unity; Georgia which can revive from ashes constantly. No matter how many times they try to make Georgia kneel, we never bow and we never stay in a miserable situation. The name of this airport is related to the greatest King of Georgia and I think it was given to this airport not only because he created the idea of Georgian statehood, the idea by which we are continuing this statehood, but because this government is related to the main belief of our nation – to develop constantly and build constantly no matter what kind of conditions we are in; to fight with one hand and build with another. This is our instinct. We will build our homeland and this is what we will give to future generations” – stated the President of Georgia.

The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban attended opening of the Kutaisi International Airport. He also addressed the gathered audience and focused on the cordial relationship and future cooperation of the two countries. He once again noted that Hungary supports Georgia’s integration in the Euro Atlantic space, and expressed readiness to assist the country on its road. As Viktor Orban stated, Georgian leadership has chosen the right course and this is reflected on prosperity of people. According to him, Georgia can count on the support of Hungary in any time of troublesome situation.

A low budget company, “Wizz Air”, administered the first flight to Kiev from the new airport. The President of Georgia toured the Kutaisi airport terminal building with guests and spoke with the first passengers.

200 persons are currently employed at the Kutaisi airport, which have gone through theoretical and practical training by international specialists and acquired international certificates.

Construction of the Kutaisi David the Builder International Airport began in November 2011. The project was designed by a Dutch company, “UN Studio”, which is among the top 10 design companies in the world. Construction works were administered by Georgian and foreign companies. The runway and airplane parking space was organized by the “Black Sea Group” company. 400 persons were employed at the construction of the airport.

The airport is equipped with the highest quality modern standard airport and navigation systems. The airport is managed by a French company, “Vinci Airports.” Vinci is number two by size in France, and one of the largest around Europe.

The Kutaisi David the Builder International Airport has a priority to attract low tariff airlines and create a competitive environment on the aviation market.