Mikheil Saakashvili attended the play “Melodies of Vera Quarter” at the Ozurgeti Theater



Mikheil Saakashvili attended the play “Melodies of Vera Quarter” with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina Hector Timerman at the Ozurgeti Theater .

“It was a very good play. It was directed by the best French director; it was Georgian classics and the audience is amazing. I was accompanied by the Foreign Minister of a huge country, Argentina, and all of this is happening in the center of Guria. Truly incredible people live here. We were at the old theater of Ozurgeti, which we will soon renovate. Look at the Public Service Hall building.  Everything is being built around and it’s an amazing feeling. Everything should advance in Georgia. I could not even dream of such advancement in the cultural sphere several years ago, but this success should be spread to everything – the quality of life, accessibility, and quality…back in the day everything was accessible for a handful of people and privileges were transferred through generations. All of this has changed now, and it should spread to the entire country.  Every Georgian region, village, family, and person must feel the development and benefit from it. This concerns not only plays, but everyday life as well. This is what’s most important” -stated the President of Georgia after the play.

 “Melodies of Vera Quarter” was held at the Alexandre Tsutsunava Drama Theater. The theater territory has already been rehabilitated and the theater will also be renovated shortly.