The President of Georgia congratulated the Georgian people on the Didgoroba holiday



The President of Georgia was visiting the Didgori Valley, where ceremonial events have been held since this morning. Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the gathered audience and focused attention on the 5 principles which were important during the time of David the Builder and are no less important today– unity, love of freedom, persistence, building, reforms, and victory – the principles that the country should achieve at any cost.

“Our Didgori is still ahead! We will definitely take this affair to the end, we will definitely win, we will definitely unify Georgia and have a happy future” – stated the President of Georgia.

There are stands of all 7 municipalities of Didgori exhibited at the valley as well as art works. Concerts by folk ensembles from the municipalities are going on. Didgoroba is held in Georgia annually.