The President of Georgia attended as summit of the European People’s Party


Up to 40 leaders and delegations of the EU and international organizations are participating in the summit. Mikheil Saakashvili attended the summit as a result of a personal invitation by Wilfried Martens.

Mikheil Saakashvili held meetings with high level officials of the EU, European Parliament and Council of Europe within the scope of his two day visit to Belgium. The main topic of discussion was the internal situation in Georgia, the upcoming elections, regional security and the progress made in the relations between Georgia and the EU. The sides talked about the democratic and economic reforms implemented in the country and once again expressed support of Georgia in terms of integration in the European structures. The President once again expressed readiness to hold parliamentary elections in a democratic environment. According to Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia is ready to invite as many European observers as possible for monitoring elections and the campaign process.

The two day visit of the President to Brussels ends today.