Construction work on the water supply system has begun in the Kvemo Kedebi Village


The President of Georgia visited the Kvemo Kedebi Village of the Dedoplitskaro Region, where construction of the water supply system has begun. Mikheil Saakashvili symbolically participated in the welding of the first pipe, through modern technologies. The Minister of Infrastructure familiarized the President with the 2010-2015 infrastructure modernization plan.

“Soon there will be a water supply 10 hours per day here. Up until now people brought water from lower villages. Water is the main sign of civilization – if there is no water nothing has a point – natural gas, tractors, hospitals and etc. Nobody cared about this during the communist times and people in this village were completely abandoned. We should take care of places that are abandoned” – stated the President of Georgia.

The Head of State also spoke to the local people and listened to local problems which they have to overcome. The President focused attention on the importance of the new project while speaking with them.

“Your village was abandoned throughout all this time unlike other villages. It is my duty to not only go to places where something has been done but also to places where nothing has been done yet. This village has been emptying for years because it neither had a road nor water. This year we are giving this village water, and it is our goal to provide a 24 hour supply to every village in Georgia. We are also beginning construction on the road here and it will be finished next year. You will be able to connect to the rest of Georgia through this road more easily. The barn of Georgia is here and it is good that the agricultural lands will be used more this year than last year. I just visited the new tech service center and saw what is being done in order to work on our lands better this year. However, if you don’t have water and a road it is impossible to stop the emptying of this village. It is our goal to help people live comfortably here with access to the city. Very good people live here. Let’s solve the problems that have been unsolved in the past years.” – stated the President of Georgia.

The project worth 480 thousand GEL envisions building two new rigs, organizing external and internal pipelines of water supply and installing a modern pumping station. Up to 3,000 local citizens will receive water in 12 hour increments per day in 10 weeks time. Up to 60 locals will be employed at the construction.

As of the 2010-2015 infrastructure modernization program, 65 projects have been implemented in 2010-2012 with a total worth of 200 million GEL and up to 15 thousand people have been employed.  In 2013-2015, 70 projects are planned with total worth of 300 million GEL employing up to 25 thousand people across the country.