The Commander Chief of the Armed Forces of the Country received a parade dedicated to the Independence Day of Georgia


The Head of State received a parade held in Kutaisi for the first time, dedicated to the Independence Day of Georgia. Georgian officials attended the parade along with the President. Mikheil Saakashvili congratulated the Georgian nation on May 26 – the Independence Day of Georgia. He gave a welcoming speech and awarded merited persons with state decorations. The President of Georgia decorated the parents of the Commander of 31st Battalion Lieutenant Colonel Alexandre Tugushi - Tina Goguadze and Zurab Tugushi for their son’s special merit before the Georgian state.

“Several months ago a Lieutenant Colonel of the Georgian Armed Forces Alexandre Tugushi, was severely wounded during a very important operation for us. I had an opportunity to visit this truly heroic warrior at the hospital. The President of the United States also visited Aleko at the hospital. Everyone talked about how impressed they were about Alexandre Tugushi’s special integrity, endurance and how he handled his duty in Afghanistan…then I had an opportunity to meet with his parents in Ozurgeti to find out that heroes do not come out of thin air. They are born on Georgian soil and raised in specific Georgian families. If it is possible to describe his parents I would use the word honor. I want to decorate Alexandre Tugushi’s mother Madam Tina and his father Mr. Zurab on behalf of all of you, with Medals of Honor” – stated the President of Georgia.

During his speech Mikheil Saakashvili focused attention on the process of constructing the new parliament and noted that this is the beginning of Kutaisi’s rehabilitation.

“Nobody believed, including foreigners that we would bring this building to this condition and it would be ready for holding a parliament session. People accuse us of doing things rapidly. We are truly in a hurry – our country was collapsing for many years and it has overcome many dead ends. ..This is why we are in a hurry and no matter who criticizes us (if you are not doing anything people don’t criticize you) I would like to say that the building has reached this condition as we planned. I would like to tell Kutaisians that this is the beginning of their city’s rehabilitation. Everything is beginning now. I would like to thank everyone who was working here during months who had forgotten about their families, set aside their personal problems and were building the parliament with all of their heart and soul. I would like to thank the head of this construction Ramaz Nikolaishvili, and decorate him with the order of St. George for finishing a historic project. I would also like to tell Kutaisians that a beautiful park will be built around this area, we are opening a new hospital in a few days and the best hotels will also be built…the most important thing is for people to live better. This building is not being constructed only to look good – it is being built for Georgia to advance and overcome poverty. We will achieve this together” – noted the Head of State.

After singing the national anthem the graduates of the National Defense Academy swore to serve their country and honored those who have lost their lives in the fight for Georgia’s unity during their service with a moment of silence. A military parade began right after.

For the first time today, the military orchestras of 5 friendly countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Turkey was assisting the Georgian military orchestra during the parade.