The President of Georgia visited the Tskhovrebauli family in Gldani


The President of Georgia visited the Tskhovrebauli family in Gldani today. Mikheil Saakashvili focused attention on social and healthcare projects while talking to the members of the family. Namely, he spoke about the importance of health insurance and noted that beginning in September, insurance will cover the medical costs of every person of pension age.

“We are insuring every pensioner this year and the insurance will cover almost any kind of costs. Along with the pensioners, the students of state as well as private high education schools will be insured. Back in the day, a doctor did not start a surgery in Georgia unless he received money. Such an attitude must cease to exist in Georgia. The emergency care is covered now, but it should also happen with the other types of care. We should all work to make it happen. Beginning in September the pension is increasing. It is true that it’s not increasing by much, but insurance will also be added to it. I see that many people opened shops here and became self-employed, but later some of them stayed jobless. I want the representatives of central governmental bodies to understand that the country still has a lot of poverty. No matter how much the Americans, Ukrainians, and the people in our neighboring countries – for example the Prime Minister of Lithuania was visiting Georgia recently and he said: “we are learning everything from Georgia” we still know that there is still a lot of poverty behind these nice buildings. I am sure that this will be otherwise in 5-6 years” – noted the President.

The Head of State spoke about the ongoing projects in Tbilisi and noted that it is necessary to develop the suburbs along with the city center. According to him, the highest quality swimming pool and sports arena are being built in Gldani, where people of any age can go for recreation. Mikheil Saakashvili also touched on the employment issue and spoke about the importance of the profession education center.

“When we first entered Gldani we had to pave roads, accommodate residential buildings, their yards, organize a police…all of this is good, but the most important thing that we must do here is employ people. The profession college that is being built here will change everything. First of all, the infrastructure will become better. This place will have the best swimming pool in town. Tbilisi does not only consist of its central road. A lot of people of low means live there too, but the suburbs need the most attention and assistance. The center of Tbilisi is becoming incredibly beautiful, but we should now maximally focus attention on the suburbs. This place is just called a suburb, but in any other country of the world suburbs are considered the most prestigious places to live. At the new education center people will have a chance to choose the profession they want and then become employed. For example, a qualified welder has a 1000-3000GEL salary; some of them even get 4000-5000GEL.”- stated the President of Georgia.

The President of Georgia took part in the construction of a new profession college in Gldani.