The President of Georgia addressed the population gathered at the opening of the central branch of “GeoCapital” in Kutaisi


First of all, I would like to welcome everyone.

Kutaisi is not only about buildings, even though very nice buildings have been built here.

Kutaisi is not only about Parliament, yet the parliament of Kutaisi and Georgia, as well as the Chamber of Control and the Government’s House, is significant.

Neither is Kutaisi about its surroundings, the development of Tskaltubo or other places.

The goal of all of this is for the people in this city to have jobs, live in happy families and be successful.

That is why what is being opened today is a logical continuation of what we intended to do here. Parliament, buildings, fountains, theaters are very good thing, but today we are opening something which will provide for the micro-financing of businesses.

Small loans with low interest rates mean that people will start small enterprises, which in fact, is already being financed here – a small cookie factory, a small jewelry factory and a shoe manufacturer.

As a government we can create and have in fact created such an environment where it is possible to open such micro-finance centers.

There is no corruption in Georgia. To register a business and run it is possible without complicated bureaucracy.

An organization like this first of all, needs precisely these simplified terms.

The Justice House, which has been opened in Kutaisi, as well as other facilities, are being developed in order to simplify the terms and make it possible to run such financial centers.

Secondly – we believe that every single Georgian should be a potential entrepreneur and to start businesses, of course, it is important to give out such credits.

Every single Georgian should have an opportunity to start a business so that our families, our children live a happy life.

The third is to fulfill the functions of the government and to tie all of this into one frame.

My dear residents of Kutaisi and fellow citizens, we can construct buildings but to populate it, give it a meaning and start life beyond its façade, is the right and the objective of us all. A facility like this clearly contributes to achieving this goal.

Of course, we will not be able to do everything and anyone who tells you that it is possible, lies to you. No government is be able to do everything, but what the government can do is what we have managed to do – eradicate corruption, simplify the terms and create an opportunity to do business freely for each of us and our children.

That is why I welcome this great initiative.

This is an American investment which serves the development of our country and our future depends on such investments.

This is a small organization that issues small credits, but this might be the most important thing that is happening in this city and in Georgia as a whole throughout all this period.