The President of Georgia replied to Dmitri Medvedev’s statement


After touring the new Rustavi racing circuit, the President of Georgia replied to today’s statement of Dmitry Medvedev.

“Stating that the current government of Russia loves the Georgian people is a big lie – our people have long pulled out the tooth, which could be fooled by them. They personally confessed today why they want to change the government of Georgia. If we recall their statement, the current government of Georgia has turned us into such a successful country that Russia can imitate, but cannot catch up with, however, first of all a successful Georgia is the biggest nightmare for them. The country that they declared devastated and finished in 2008 has been resurrected from the ashes and has become exemplary not only for the Russian opposition and the neighboring countries, but as it became clear today and as we thought for a long time, for the current leadership of the government of Russia. Secondly, they want to change the government of Georgia to bring to power the force, which is promising to legalize the occupation of the Georgian territories in a direct or an indirect way; a force which will stop gaining international support in this sense and get used to so called ‘new realities” by today’s government of Russia. My answer is very simple – if they are ready, Mr. Medvedev or the real leader of Russia, to return the control mechanisms of its occupied territories to Georgia and withdraw their armed forces; if they give back the occupied territories to Georgia in return for the resignation of me personally and the current government of Georgia, then I am ready to fly to any place today and sign that agreement. If they desire to restore relations with unified Georgia within its internationally recognized borders and based on this agreement, even under supervision of the international community, agree to give us back Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali Region, withdraw their armed forces, and let the Georgian people, our multi-ethnic population, fully develop within their internationally recognized borders, then I am ready to leave the government”, – stated the President of Georgia.