The President of Georgia visited the Shukhuti village


The President of Georgia visited the Shukhuti village of the Lanchkhuti region with his wife and the youngest son, where traditionally the “Leloburti” competition is held in connection with the Easter holiday. Mikheil Saakashvili congratulated the local residents on the brilliant holiday of Easter as well as the Shukhuti People’s holiday.

Later today, Mikheil Saakashvili visited the Imnaishvili family. The Head of State congratulated the members of the family on the brilliant holiday of Easter and brought them presents. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke to the 92 year old Tina Imnaishvili, who has been participating in the “Leloburti” competition for 40 years, about the rules of the competition and plans for Lanchkhuti development.

“We are beginning a large construction in Lanchkhuti. A lot of people are going to be employed. We are also going to retrain the youth. We are creating profession education centers and developing resorts all around in order to improve conditions” – noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

“Leloburti” is one of the oldest traditions of Guria, which has been traditionally held in Shukhuti for 3 centuries, on the Easter holiday. The residents of upper and lower Shukhuti population compete with each other during the traditional Georgian folk sports game.

Representatives of the government and foreign tourists attended the competition along with the President.